Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cara Terlihat Elegan:

1. Bersih
berlatihlah untuk selalu tampil bersih, Mandi, gosok gigi, rambut yang bersih rapi jangan lupa gunakan deodorant agar selalu beraromat segar.
2. Rapi
Rambut harus selalu tersisir rapi, kuku terpotong rapi, jaga panjang rambut proporsional / wajar.
3. Make-up
Jangan bermake-up berlebihan. Consealer, foundation dan bedak tabur sudah cukup, Eye shadow, eyeliner, maskara dan lipstik tidak berlebihan dan gunakan warna2 natural.
Namun, terkadang untuk acara resmi, lisptik yg cukup tebal dengan warna akan terlihat lebih cocok
4. Gaya Rambut
Pilih gaya rambut yang ramping dan halus, Pilihlah gaya rambut yang bisa sesuai dengan dress anda.
5. Kuku
selain kuku yang rapi, kamu bisa mewarnai kuku dengan pink pucat atai transparant. Sebetulnya semua warna akan cocok, bisa dupadukan dengan warna pakaian yg akan dipakai. Jangan memaksakan diri menggunakan warna yg km sendiri tidak suka.
6. Parfum
Aroma mungkin tidak terlihat, namun bisa meningalkan kenangan tersendiri. aroma yg bisa dipilih diantaranya: aroma Jasmine, Rose and Amber.

7. jaga Potur tubuh
jaga postur tubuh, jangan membungkuk dan jangan terlalu kaku. berdiri sempurna bisa membuatmu terlihat  lebih ramping dan

II Berpakaian Elegan

1. Pakai Pakaian yg sopan, rapi, enak dipandang. Hindari pakaian yg terlalu santai, bernoda dan robek.
Jika menggunakan sweater atau piyama, usahan yang sesuai dan fashionable.
2. Pakaian dengan potongan klasik akan membuat penampilan elegan, hindari pakaian yg terlalu trendy seperti jean dibawah pusar atau pakaian dengan bantalan pundak yg terlalau lebar.
3. Pakaian harus fit/pas dengan ukuran badan, jangan kebesaran/terlalu ketat. jangan terlalu terpaku pada satu ukuran, cobalah 1 ukuran diatas yg biasa dan satu ukuran dibawah nya, cari mana yg paling sesuai.

4. Fabric / bahan yang berkualitas. Kurangi pakaian dengan bahan acrilic yg murah, cotton yang murah dan pilihlah bahan yang lebih mahal. hal ini akan menimbulkan kesan mewah untuk pakaianmu meskipun bukan satin, sutra, velvet dll, bahan yang terlalu tebal juga sedikit dihindari karna bisa membuat kurang leluasa bergerak.

Acting Elegant

  1. 1
    Speak exceptionally well. Use proper grammar, a broad vocabulary, avoid contractions and colloquialisms, and enunciate when you speak. This will make you come across as classy and elegant, a real lady. If you aren't in the habit of speak well like this, practice while you are alone, possibly in front of a mirror.
    • Do not feel like you have to take on a different accent in order to sound more elegant. The accent is rarely as much of a problem as vocabulary and grammar.
  2. Be Elegant Step 13.jpg
    Stay calm at all times. Do not get overly emotional, either very sad (dramatic crying) or angry (yelling at people and making a scene). This will undo every bit of elegance in an instant. Instead, be calm and relaxed.
    • Remember: if you're not going to die (and neither is anyone else) it's probably not that big a deal. Breathe and take things one step at a time.
    • If you find yourself unable to stay calm, excuse yourself and go somewhere private until you calm down.
  3. 3
    Act like you don't care. Like not getting too emotional, you should also give off an air of not caring. This will make you seem more classy and elegant. Getting overly excited or enthusiastic can easily make you seem child-like and immature.
  4. Be Elegant Step 14.jpg
    Be polite. Be polite to everyone you meet, whether you think they deserve it or not. Don't be passive-aggressive or sarcastic when things go wrong. Just get through all situations with perfect politeness. Treat everyone as if your grandmother were watching you and there was a nice piece of candy in it for you.
  5. 5
    Be as graceful as you can be. Walk like a supermodel no matter where you are or how you're dressed. Don't fall or trip, [Walk in High Heels|even if you're in heels]]. Don't try to dance above your skill level. If you want to improve your grace, then practice walking, in heels, up and down stairs, etc. You can also practice your hand and leg movements in a full length mirror.
  6. Be Elegant Step 1.jpg
    Act confident. Of course you don't have to actually be confident (for a lot of people, it's mostly an act) but act as confident as you can. Tell yourself you're beautiful, intelligent, and that you know what you're doing...because you are and you do! Project confidence out to others by not constantly apologizing, for pursuing the things that you want, even if they aren't popular,
  7. Be Elegant Step 7.jpg
    Have excellent manners. Real ladies have perfect manners. Practice good manners as you go about your day and especially when you eat. Don't ever burp or fart in public. Hold doors open for others and wait your turn for services. Drive courteously. And of course, eat without making a mess or being gross.
  8. Be Elegant Step 4.jpg
    Be intelligent. Don't act dumb just for the sake of it. Often times, people act dumb to stand out. While you may stand out that way, it won't be in a way you want! Be careful also not to act like you know everything about every subject. Talk about subjects you truly know about or say you don't know much about the topic. Your honesty will be appreciated.